A arma secreta para biden

I hope he puts all these traitors of the Constitution in prison until they are dead, or make a deal with North Korea and send them there since they like the idea of being ruled and the will of the people being snuffed out. Go Trump!!!!!! Or, this could be more fake news, Trump has the election stolen from him which is true but not a darn thing he can do about it. If that is true, good bye America, good bye Constitution. We will never have a man like Trump win the White House or Senatorial or Congressional seat, ever.

Biden has also reversed his position on the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funds from providing for abortions. He now supports federal funding for abortions.

Do not skip a line between paragraphs. Third-level headings should also be in 11 point bold type. All headings should be capitalized. After a heading, the first sentence should not be indented.

The goal is to lead us quietly into the NWO slaughterhouses with minimum resistance. Not entertaining this possibility and sitting on our thumbs will only serve as proof positive that we are pelo different than the sheep we claim to be too stupid to wake up. These articles are fun but I can write stories that guarantee every man wakes up with a 12-inch snake in his zipper and no woman will ever need to worry about chocolate going straight to their thighs, that doesn’t mean that what you get in the mail isn’t going to walk, talk and moonwalk like a duck. Actions speak louder than words and until key players confirm these claims all the smoke and mirrors in the world aren’t gonna stop me from…

jdpent01 If all of what was stated is true, the mass media jair bolsonaro idade and Joe don’t appear to be scared, of the coming truth, they must feel continued pressure and broadcast of Biden’s win, will sway all the people there way, and to deny fraud evidence when Joe said the developed the most fabricated fraud org in the USA. So we take him at his word in finding Election Fraud of various types widespread in tabulating votes, The DARPA NSA/CIA SCORECARD SYSTEM WAS cited to be used against POTUS a system used in foreign countries to sway elections there, now used against America, to reach a certain out come for the DEM’S [election win], but got caught in MI where totals did not add up and video capture of the fraud was recorded.

"I was told by my staff he doesn't have any responsibility related to the company," Biden said in response to the question during the town hall. "If that turns out not to be true, then I will not, in any way, accept his help."

2QIK4U G’day Judy can you tell me where you sourced your evidence please so I can see this for myself… I am losing Hope this is True

Crivella vira primário trunfo político de Bolsonaro após desempenho pífio de candidatos apadrinhados

Jen the pen Drumpt did not win, in 2016 the Republicans was screaming no recount now in 2020 they back peddling like snakes. Biden won the people have spoken,

You can take a look at additional reporting from independent fact-checkers who investigate reports of false information across Facebook.

Lame duck pardons turkey: Trump confronts reality at muted Thanksgiving event Trump pardons turkey after agreeing to presidential transition

“Nevertheless, bolsonaro jair bolsonaro cirurgia in the best interest of our Country, I am recommending that Emily and her jair bolsonaro globo team do what needs to be done with regard to initial protocols, and have told my team to do the same.”

Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Republican majority leader, has pointed to the falling unemployment rate as evidence that much less stimulus is needed.

With the first election of a woman into the seat of chancellor, the feminine complement of the word, "chancelière," was chosen as the Word of the Year in 2005 by the Academy of German Language.

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